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  4. Soil Ninja, Terrarium 5L

Soil Ninja, Terrarium 5L


Using a Blend of:
Coco Coir, Bark, Sand, Worm Castings, Zeolite, Activated Charcoal
About the Terrarium Soil Mix:
A complete mixture for terrarium plants in terrarium environments. In both open and closed terrariums, this mixture provides fast draining properties tied with even moisture spread through the mix. A high amount of activated charcoal and zeolite stops heavy metals, impurities, minerals and other nasties from bruising up in the terrarium space. The addition of organic matter from bark allows for microfauna in the terrarium to create full ecosystem that feeds the plant with more fertiliser. The sand in the mix also prevents the soil going muddy after long periods of being kept wet. 
What sort of soil should you use in a Terrarium:
Terrariums require a soil which not only is incredibly well draining, but also full of purifying elements such as Activated Charcoal that will trap any impurities that may be introduced from tap water- or a plant transplanting from a different sub

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